Institute of Transportation Engineers
District 9

As approved by vote of the District Board on May 12, 2014 and ratified by the membership on December 1, 2014. Download PDF version.


Sec. 1.1 Membership in the District shall be limited to members of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Inc., who according to Institute records reside within the area designated as the District.

Sec. 1.2 Members shall have the same privileges and obligations within the District as they have within the Institute.

Sec. 1.3 Persons who reside within the boundaries of the District but not within the area of any Section of the District and who fall into one of the following classifications may be affiliated with the District as District Affiliates:

Sec. 1.3.1 Engineers in the transportation and traffic profession who lack sufficient experience for Institute membership or who have yet to apply for such membership; or

Sec. 1.3.2 Persons engaged in transportation and traffic engineering support work; or

Sec. 1.3.3 Professionals in related fields who by virtue of stature or official position are in a position to contribute to the work of transportation and traffic engineers; or

Sec. 1.3.4 Persons engaged in commerce or industry who supply products, equipment, or services in support of the transportation and traffic engineering profession.

Sec. 1.4 District Affiliates shall not be eligible to vote or to hold elective office.

Sec. 1.5 Election of District Affiliates shall be by a majority vote of the District President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer.

Sec. 1.6 Any District Affiliate may resign from the District.

Sec. 1.7 Any District Affiliate who, by reason of any change in occupation or profession, shall cease to work with transportation and traffic engineers or the transportation and traffic engineering profession shall forfeit affiliation with the District without prejudice.

Sec. 1.8 The District officers shall have a periodic review made of the qualifications of District Affiliates. Any District Affiliate meeting minimum qualifications for Institute membership shall be encouraged to apply for such membership.

Sec. 1.9 Any District Affiliate who advertises, uses or attempts to use identification with the District in any manner whatsoever with intent to derive personal gain therefrom shall forfeit affiliation with the District.


Sec. 2.1 The government of the District shall be in accordance with Article IV of the District Charter.

Sec. 2.2 The District Board shall consist of the following, each of whom shall be a voting member of the District Board:

Sec. 2.2.1 The District President, the District Vice-President, the District Secretary-Treasurer, and the living District President whose term has most recently expired and who still resides within the District area. The District Vice-President shall also be the District President-Elect and shall automatically succeed the District President upon expiration of the current District President’s term.

Sec. 2.2.2 The District 9 International Director(s).

Sec. 2.2.3 One Section Representative from each Section.

Sec. 2.2.4 If any areas of the District are not within the area of any Section, there shall also be one District Board Member At-Large, who shall be a voting member residing within such areas.

Sec. 2.3 The Section Representatives and the District Board Member At-Large (if any) shall serve two-year terms, which shall be staggered such that approximately half are elected each year.

Sec. 2.4 If any Board member is absent from two (2) consecutive regular District Board meetings, such position may be declared vacant by the Board and may be filled in accordance with these by-laws.

Sec. 2.5 In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of President, the unexpired term shall be filled by the Vice President. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of Vice President or Secretary-Treasurer, the District Board shall appoint a Board Member to fill the unexpired term. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Section Representative, the Section shall fill the vacancy in the manner prescribed in its bylaws. However, if the Section fails to do so within 60 days, the District Board shall appoint a qualified member from that Section to serve out the unexpired term. In event of a vacancy in the office of District Board Member At-Large, the District Board shall appoint a qualified member to serve out the unexpired term.

Sec. 2.6 The District President shall preside over all meetings of the District Board. In the absence of the District President, the District Vice President shall carry out the duties of the District President.

Sec. 2.7 The District President shall annually appoint a Membership Committee, in accordance with the District Charter. The District President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three or more members of fellow or member grade. The District President may appoint other committees as necessary. The District President shall solicit nominations for committee memberships from the Section presidents. To the extent practical, the membership of the various committees shall be equitably distributed among the among the Sections and the areas, if any, that are not within a Section.

Sec. 2.8 The fiscal year of the District shall be the same as the fiscal year of the Institute.

Sec. 2.9 The District Board shall establish a budget each year.

Sec. 2.10 The District Board shall report to the Institute Headquarters on its previous calendar year activities by January 31 each year.

Sec. 2.11 The District Board shall report the names and addresses of its officers and the beginning and ending dates of their term of office to the Institute of Transportation Engineers Headquarters within 30 days of their election.

Sec. 2.12 The District Board shall develop procedures for the issuance of charters to Sections and student chapters.


Sec. 3.1 For the purpose of nominating and electing District officers and International Director(s), a District Nominating Committee shall be appointed no later than 150 days prior to the annual business meeting. Such Committee shall nominate at least two qualified candidates for the position of District Secretary-Treasurer and at least one qualified candidate for the position of District Vice President. If such year is also the last year of a current International Director’s term, the Committee shall also nominate at least two qualified candidates for International Director. If such year is also the last year of the term of the District Board Member At-Large, the Committee shall also nominate at least one qualified candidate for that position. Written consent to accept office must be received from each person nominated. No later than 150 days prior to the annual business meeting, the committee shall transmit a list of its nominees to the District President, who shall then transmit the list to the other members of the District Board.

Sec. 3.2 No later than 90 days prior to the annual business meeting, the Secretary-Treasurer shall send to the voting members the list of candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee. Additional nominations may then be made by petition signed by at least eight voting members. Each such petition shall be accompanied by the nominee’s written consent to accept office and must be received by the District President no later than 60 days prior to the annual business meeting.

Sec. 3.3 No later than 45 days prior to the annual business meeting, the Secretary-Treasurer shall send to each eligible voter a final ballot listing all candidates nominated. Ballots shall be canvassed no later than October 31. Ballots shall be canvassed in the manner set forth in Section 4.3 below. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In the case of a tie vote, the District Board shall choose the successful candidate from among those who tied. The successful candidate shall be announced at the District’s annual business meeting.

Sec. 3.4 The one-year terms of the District President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer shall begin on January 1 and expire on December 31 of the same year. The two-year terms of the District Board Member At-Large and the Section Representatives shall begin on January 1 and expire on December 31 of the following year. The terms of International Director(s) shall be as provided for in the Institute’s Constitution.

Sec. 3.5 Each Section shall select Section Representatives in the manner specified in the Section’s bylaws and in conformance with District policy.


Sec. 4.1 Any member of the Institute in good standing, excluding those classified as Institute affiliates and student members, shall have voting privileges in the District if records at Institute Headquarters indicate that they reside in the District area. Only those voting members who reside within the areas that are not within a Section shall be eligible to vote for the District Board Member At-Large.

Sec. 4.2 Voting for International Director, for amendments to these bylaws, for petitions to amend the Charter, and for other matters that affect the relationship of the District to the Institute shall be by secret ballot.

Sec. 4.3 Whenever a secret ballot is required, all eligible voters shall be sent a ballot accompanied by a blank envelope and a pre-addressed return envelope. The name of the eligible voter shall be pre-labeled on the back of the return envelope. Those qualified to vote shall mark their selection on the ballot, seal the ballot in the blank envelope, and insert the blank envelope inside the return envelope. Alternately, eligible voters may be given the option of voting electronically provided that all of the following safeguards are in place: (a) each eligible voter shall be allowed to vote only once, either electronically or by means of paper ballot; and (b) the report of electronic voting shall list the names of those who voted electronically and shall show the total number of votes received by each candidate and for or against each proposition; however (c) to preserve the secrecy of the ballot, the report of electronic voting shall not disclose the candidates or propositions for which any individual voter has voted. Three tellers appointed by the District President shall canvass the paper ballots and add to their totals to the report of electronic voting to determine the final result.


Sec. 5.1 There shall be an annual meeting of the District. The date, time, and place of the meeting shall be set by the District Board. Notice of the annual meeting shall be transmitted to the District membership at least 30 days prior to the meeting. Affiliates of any of the District’s sections, upon payment of a District newsletter/roster subscription fee, shall receive the newsletter and be listed in the District roster. At all District meetings, District and Section affiliates shall be afforded all privileges of participation except the right to vote at the District business meeting. This shall include any registration discounts that may be afforded to District members.

Sec. 5.2 The District Board shall meet at the annual meeting of the District. Other meetings of the District Board shall be called by the District President as he or she deems necessary or upon receipt of a petition signed by the majority of the other members of the District Board. At least 15 days notice shall be given of any called meeting.

Sec. 5.3 Provided that all Board members have been notified of a meeting at least 15 days in advance, and further provided that those present include the District President or the District Vice President, a quorum of the District Board (for the purpose of transacting business) shall be five (5). Provided that all members are afforded the opportunity to participate, the District Board may conduct business using technologies such as e-mails and/or telephone or video conference calls.

Sec. 5.4 Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of the District meeting in all cases to which they are applicable and not in conflict with the Institute’s Constitution, other procedural rules of the District Board, and these bylaws.


Sec. 6.1 Annual District dues shall be established by the District Board. At least 90 days prior to beginning of the Institute’s fiscal year, the District President shall notify Institute Headquarters of the amount established for District dues for the following fiscal year. These dues will be collected in accordance with the District Charter.

Sec. 6.2 Special assessments may be made by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members voting on a secret ballot or by a two-thirds vote of the members attending a business meeting of the District or by a two-thirds vote of the members attending a business meeting of each of the sections of the District.

Sec. 6.3 Payment of Section dues shall not be a prerequisite to membership in the District.

Sec. 6.4 Affiliates of any of the District’s Sections, upon payment of a District newsletter/roster subscription fee, shall receive the newsletter and be listed in the District roster. ITE Members residing in other Districts, upon payment of a District newsletter/roster subscription fee, shall receive the newsletter and be listed in the District roster as Affiliates.


Sec. 7.1 Proposal to amend these bylaws, to petition the International Board of Direction, to amend the District Charter, or to rescind the International Board’s District Charter withdrawal action may be made by:

Sec. 7.1.1 Resolution of the District Board.

Sec. 7.1.2 Resolution of the executive board of a section; or

Sec. 7.1.3 Written petition of at least five percent of the voting members of the District.

Sec. 7.2 Proposals to amend these bylaws shall be submitted in writing to all District members who are qualified to vote. The proposal shall be accompanied by a secret ballot. Ballots returned within 30 days shall be canvassed in the manner set forth in Section 4.3 above. The majority of those voting shall prevail.

Sec. 7.3 Proposals to amend the District Charter or to rescind its withdrawal action shall be considered by the District Board within six months or at its next regular meeting, whichever occurs first, and shall be transmitted within 30 days thereafter to the Board of Direction of the Institute.