
2017 TexITE Award Nominations

TexITE is now accepting nominations for the 2017 Transportation Engineer of the Year and Younger Member of the Year and submissions for the Technical Paper of [...]

Student Fellowship Applications Due Oct. 31

Up to two fellowships of $1,000 each may be awarded annually to the two highest-ranking candidates from Texas. Candidates must be planning to pursue a [...]

PDH Certificate for Fall Meeting

A self-reporting PDH certificate for the 2016 fallĀ meeting is now available for downloading. Complete meeting information can be found [...]

FHWA Issues Memos on Design and Speed

The Federal Highway Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation recently issued two memorandums that may be of interest to TexITE members that work [...]

2015 Award Winners

Several awards were given at the fall meeting in San Antonio earlier this month. Congratulations to all of our members: Gary Thomas, Transportation [...]

District Election Results

Congratulations to the newly-elected officers for 2016: Dale Picha, president Kerri Collins, vice-president Brian Moen, [...]

PDH Certificate for Fall Meeting

A self-reporting PDH certificate for the spring meeting is now available for downloading. Complete meeting information can be found [...]

Fall Meeting Registration is Open

Registration is now open for the 2015 Fall TexITE Meeting in San Antonio on September 2-4. See the meeting pages for more details and to register. We hope to [...]

PDH Certificate for Spring Meeting

 A self-reporting PDH certificate for the spring meeting is now available for downloading. Complete meeting information can be found [...]

UT-Austin Wins District Traffic Bowl

Congratulations to the student chapter at the University of Texas at Austin for winning the district traffic bowl competition for the second consecutive [...]
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