Author Archives: David Besly

February 2025 Section Meeting

Bob Brydia

The Brazos Valley Section of ITE will be meeting at 12:00 pm on Thursday, February 20th, 2024, in Room 1140 at TTI Headquarters on the RELLIS Campus. Our guest speaker will be Robert Brydia, PMP, TTI Senior Research Scientist and System Reliability Division Head. Bob will be presenting an update on the V2X grant awarded to TTI.

For those attending, box lunches will be available from McAllister’s at a cost of $15 ($5 for students) for those who RSVP by 5:00pm, Tuesday, February 18th. The lunch is provided by the section for the benefit of members, but it is not required for attendance if you prefer to “brown bag” it.

For your convenience, lunch orders can be pre-paid using Zelle.

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