Thank you for using the TexITE Communications Request Form

-All content must meet the requirement set forth in the Communications Policy.
-Please allow at least five (5) business days for your request to be reviewed and implemented.

You are welcome to submit a completed TexITE Communications Request Form for the following:

>ITE International Information - Meeting Announcements/Board of Direction (IBOD) Meeting Summaries
>District Meeting Information and Call for Presentations
>District Committee Announcements - Deadlines and Results (Awards), Meetings, etc.
>District Officer and Committee Candidate Solicitations
>District Election Notices and Results*
>In Memoriam Notices
>Approved Section and Member Announcements
>Member/Project Spotlights Approved by the Committee and/or District Board
>Various Communications as requested by the District Board.

*If you desire the District to conduct an election for your section please visit the following page <To be added>.

TexITE Communications Request
Request on behalf of:
Requested Channel (Check all that apply)
Information Category (Select the one that best fits your request) *
Please provide action you would like committee to take, detailed content (exact text is preferred), and any important dates.
Does your request involve images or files? *

Maximum file size: 516MB

Frequency of Communication