The District Nominating Committee is actively seeking qualified candidates for District Secretary-Treasurer.  If you or someone you know is interested in being considered by the Committee as a potential candidate, please complete the form below by 06/10/2024.

Submitting a Statement of Interest does not guarantee selection by the Committee.  All persons who submit a Statement of Interest will be notified by the Committee on their selection status prior to the final ballot being sent to TexITE members.

Officer Candidate Statement of Interest
For which officer position are you submitting a statement of interest?
International Director Statement of Interest

Position: International Director

Term: 3 years.

Time Commitment: Approximate average of 3 hours per week but can vary greatly throughout the year dependent upon the duties below.

Duties: The International Director is the liaison between the Texas District and the International Board of Direction (IBOD). The duties of the International Director are listed below:

  1. Attends virtual and in-person IBOD meetings. The latter are typically held in January in Washington DC, in Spring in conjunction with an ITE district meeting, in August in conjunction with the ITE Annual Conference, and in the Fall in Washington DC.
  2. Attends virtual and in-person District Board meetings and District business meetings.
  3. Prepares written reports for IBOD and District Board meetings.
  4. Shares IBOD meeting summaries with Texas District members.
  5. Serves on the ITE Nominating Committee.
  6. Serves on at least one ITE Committee or Council.
  7. Mentors at least one Leadership ITE group.
  8. Monitors health of District, Sections, and Student Chapters.
  9. Supports ITE initiatives.
District Secretary-Treasurer Statement of Interest

Position: Secretary-Treasurer

Term: 1 year, with the expectation of serving on the District Executive Committee for the following 3 years as Vice President, President, and Past President.

Time Commitment:  Approximate average of 3 hours per week but can vary greatly throughout the year.  In the weeks leading up to District meetings the time commitment can increase to 10 hours per week or more.  Officer duties increase significantly with progression through the leadership.

Duties:  The Secretary-Treasurer is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the budget and documenting meeting business. The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer are listed below:

  1. Attends virtual and in-person District Board meetings and District business meetings
  2. Responsible for preparing meeting minutes, recording motions, and recording electronic votes for District Board meetings and District business meeting
  3. Reads and becomes familiar with the District Bylaws and Charter
  4. Oversees financial activities of the District
  5. Assists District Administrator with preparing and maintaining annual budget for District Board discussion and approval
  6. Assists District Administrator with Treasurer’s Report and record keeping
  7. Solicits cities to host District meetings
  8. Assists with updating the District Board Procedures Manual
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