
Gregory Masota
North Central Texas Council of Governments
Marisa Conlin
City of Fort Worth
Andrew Young
Nominating (Immediate Past President)
HNTB Corporation
Cristian Alonso

Dunaway Associates

Chandra Chandrakanth
City of Denton
Erin Eurek
Shannon Hobbs
Younger Members
City of Fort Worth

If you are interested in serving on a committee, you may contact any one of the Section officers or the current committee chair.


The GFW Section currently has over 70 members. The Committee’s goals are to increase membership for the section and to help the Secretary/Treasurer maintain membership records. If you would like to join the GFW Section, please click here for membership information.


Each year the Greater Fort Worth Section and the Greater Dallas Section hold a joint mini-conference in Grand Prairie at the Ruthe Jackson Center. The Mini-Conference Committee consists of the Greater Fort Worth Section Executive Board, Greater Dallas Section Executive Board, and section members from both sections.


Per GFW Section Bylaws § Section 4.7, by August 1st of each year, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of at least three voting members who are not officers of the Section. The Nominating Committee shall select two or more candidates for Secretary/Treasurer and one or more for Vice President and each Section Representative position to be filled. The chairman of the Nominating Committee shall report its list of nominees to the Secretary/Treasurer before September 1st. The written consent to hold office must be received for each person nominated.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)

The STEM Committee is responsible for coordinating K-12 outreach activities to promote the transportation industry.  The committee aims to have a positive impact on the Greater Fort Worth community through making transportation fun and engaging.  Committee member involvement ranges from submitting outreach ideas, coordinating activity details, or participating in events.


The Technical Committee ensures that the GFW Section members receive pertinent information that is essential to their career goals. Members of this committee are responsible for helping the Vice President determine our Section Meeting topics and speakers as well as the location for the annual Technical Tour.


The Website Committee ensures the Section website content is up-to-date. The committee aims to continually improve the online member experience and provide access to relevant information.  If you have any suggestions for improvement or have questions/concerns about the Section website, please contact the Website Committee Chair.

Younger Members

The Younger Member’s Committee strives to create an area for members under the age of 35 to become leaders in the transportation community through organizing social events, community service events, and professional development opportunities. Current outreach efforts include collecting donations for local charities at our annual Business Meeting in December and coordinating with the Dallas Section to organize our annual joint sponsorship Special Award for the North Texas Region Future City Competition.